The first step

is to say, ‘I need to see a counselor.’ The second step is relationship. At Fidelity, we believe in cultivating safety and trust in counseling to provide a space for healing and growth.

Further thoughts:

  • Can I trust my counselor?
  • Do they care about me?
  • Will they faithfully walk by my side?

At Fidelity Counseling we believe in faithful relationships. Our priority is to offer honest and true counsel; we seek to bring change through a secure relationship, open communication, and curiosity for our clients’ own experience of life.

At times, counseling may look more practical. We want to help clients notice what is blocking them or creating a feeling of “I’m stuck.” A fresh perspective from a counselor may open more opportunities toward long-reached-for goals.

“Courage is found in unlikely places.” –J.R.R. Tolkien

“If we share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.” – Brene Brown

We know that being faithful to our clients is about facing the positive and the negative. This often means pressing into the places that hurt and seeking the truth with our clients as they change and heal. Consider contacting us today.